Examples of Nuclear Forces

As previously mentioned, the most obvious example of Nuclear Force is the binding of protons, which are naturally repulsive due to their positive charge.

  • Nuclear Force is responsible for the working of the nuclear reactor and nuclear weapons.
  • Strong nuclear force is responsible for the stability of the nucleus of an atom.
  • Weak nuclear force is responsible for radioactive decay.

Nuclear Force

Nuclear forces, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force are two of the four fundamental forces of nature other than electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Unlike Coulomb’s Law or Newton’s Law of Gravitation, there is no simple mathematical way to describe nuclear forces. Nuclear forces are one of the strongest forces of nature.

According to the standard model nuclear forces arise due to the exchange of gluons. Since nucleons are made up of quarks, i.e., neutron (udd) and proton (uud), where u and d denote up and down quarks, respectively. The exchange of quarks between the neutron and proton keeps them intact inside the nucleus.

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