Examples of Show/List Databases

Setting up the environment

Let’s first create some databases in MySQL.

CREATE database student;
CREATE database teacher;
CREATE database customer;
CREATE database orders;
CREATE database stud;

Example 1: Show/List all Databases

Let’s write a query to Show/List all the databases in MySQL.


Syntax 1:

SHOW databases;

Syntax 2:

SHOW schemas;


Query 1:

SHOW databases;

Query 2:

SHOW schemas;


Fig 1. All Databases

Explanation: In the above example all the databases will be listed as we are not using the LIKE or WHERE clause. Both Let’squeries will give the same output. It will also print the default system databases.

Example 2: Show/List Databases using LIKE

Let’s write a query to Show/List all the databases starting with the letter ‘s‘.


Syntax 1:

SHOW databases LIKE pattern;

Syntax 2:

SHOW schemas LIKE pattern;


Query 1:

SHOW databases LIKE 's%';

Query 2:

SHOW schemas LIKE 's%';


Fig 2. Database starting with ‘s’

Explanation: In the above example we are printing all the databases whose name starts with s. There are a total of 3 databases whose name starts with ‘s‘ including one system database. We are using LIKE keyword to specify the condition.

Example 3: Show/List Databases using WHERE clause

In MySQL, We cannot use the WHERE clause with SHOW DATABASES. Instead, we can fire the queries on the information_schema.SCHEMATA Table.

Let’s take an example of how we can use the ‘WHERE‘ clause to filter the database on some specific conditions.


SELECT schema_name

FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA

WHERE schema_name LIKE ‘Pattern’;

Let’s write a query to Show/List all the databases starting with the letter ‘s‘.


SELECT schema_name 
FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA
WHERE schema_name LIKE 's%';


Fig 3. Schema name starting with ‘s’

Explanation: In the above example we are printing all the schemas whose name starts with s. There are a total of 3 schemas whose name starts with ‘s‘ including one system schema. Here we cannot use the WHERE clause directly with SHOW DATABASE so we are using information_schema.SCHEMATA table to use the WHERE clause.

How to Show a List of All Databases in MySQL

MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is uniquely used to construct expandable and high-productivity databases. MySQL, which was created by MySQL AB and later acquired by its current owner Oracle Corporation, was originally introduced in 1995.

MySQL is reputed for its sturdy and quick functioning attributes which involve easy-to-handle features and dependability. MySQL can normally be seen together with dynamic web applications and is generally used to serve languages such as PHP but also other server-side programming languages like Python. In this article, you will discover how to list all the databases in MySQL along with some examples.

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MySQL Show/List Databases

The MySQL, SHOW DATABASES is used to list the databases that are within the MySQL environment. It prints all the databases including the default system databases. It depends on the user whether they want to print all the databases or some specific databases. We can use ‘LIKE‘, and ‘WHERE‘ clauses to specify the databases that we want to print. There are 4 default system databases in the MySQL environment. Let’s study them one by one in detail:...

Examples of Show/List Databases

Setting up the environment...


In summary, the SHOW DATABASES command in MySQL turns out to be a powerful tool either for the DBAs or for developers. It gives a short list of databases that are located on the dialed server instance enabling the users to have easy access to the suitable database for purposeful activities such as performing necessary operations and maintenance of objects....