Examples of Splitting Delimited Strings in MySQL

We can create a sample database with a table similar to the employee table mentioned in the examples. Here’s an example of how you can create a sample database and table:

  • Create a new database
CREATE DATABASE sample_database;
  • Use the newly created database
USE sample_database;
  • Create a table named ’employee’ with a column ‘skills’
CREATE TABLE employee (
    name VARCHAR(100),
    skills VARCHAR(255)
  • Insert some sample data into the ’employee’ table
INSERT INTO employee (name, skills) VALUES
      ('John', 'Java,C++,Python'),
      ('Alice', 'HTML,CSS,JavaScript'),
      ('Bob', 'MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite');

Example 1: Splitting a Comma-Separated String

This query splits the skills string into the individual skills using a comma as the delimiter. It extracts the first three skills from the skills column and assigns them to skill_1, skill_2, and skill_3 respectively.

    SUBSTRING_INDEX(skills, ',', 1) AS skill_1,
    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(skills, ',', 2), ',', -1) AS skill_2,
    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(skills, ',', 3), ',', -1) AS skill_3


Splitting a Comma-Separated String

Explanation: The provided SQL query extracts individual skills from the ‘skills‘ column in the ’employee’ table. The output includes three columns: ‘skill_1‘, ‘skill_2′, and ‘skill_3‘, representing the first, second, and third skills respectively, separated by commas in each employee’s skill set.

Example 2: Splitting a Pipe-Separated String

This query splits the skills string into the individual skills using pipe | as the delimiter. It extracts the first three skills from the skills column and assigns them to skill_1, skill_2, and skill_3 respectively.

    SUBSTRING_INDEX(skills, '|', 1) AS skill_1,
    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(skills, '|', 2), '|', -1) AS skill_2,
    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(skills, '|', 3), '|', -1) AS skill_3


Splitting a Pipe-Separated String

Explanation: The given SQL query extracts individual skills from the ‘skills’ column in the ’employee’ table, using the pipe ‘|’ character as the delimiter. The output includes three columns: ‘skill_1’, ‘skill_2’, and ‘skill_3‘, representing the first, second, and third skills, respectively, for each employee.

How to Split a Delimited String to Access Individual Items in MySQL?

In MySQL, it’s common to encounter scenarios where we need to split a delimited string into individual items to process or manipulate them separately. This can be achieved using the various techniques and functions provided by MySQL. This article will explore splitting a delimited string and accessing individual items in MySQL.

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