Examples of Tone Words in Writing

Cheerful                                  Dry                                              Assertive                                        
Regretful Lighthearted Humorous
Nostalgic Melancholic Facetious
Pessimistic Sarcastic Persuasive
Uneasy Reverent Arrogant
Regretful Joyful Inspirational

Example of Tone Words In Writing

Every piece to read has a tone. Textbooks have an informative tone. Blogs come up with an engaging & conversational tone. A satirical piece has a humorous or ironic tone. The tone in literature is filled with a variety of moods, thoughts, & feelings that authors express in their works. While writing, we see a reflection of the author’s attitude or feelings about the subject matter & audience of the work. 

Tone Words in Writing

Tone words help us in expressing that attitude.

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Cheerful                                  Dry                                              Assertive                                         Regretful Lighthearted Humorous Nostalgic Melancholic Facetious Pessimistic Sarcastic Persuasive Uneasy Reverent Arrogant Regretful Joyful Inspirational...

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What are tone words?...