Exceptions of Genetic Code

Due to similar codons being seen in all organisms, the genetic code is universal along with the same START and STOP signals in the genes of microorganisms and plants. Therefore there are few exceptions which include one or two STOP codons of an amino acid.

Though GUG is meant for valine both the codons GUG and AUG code for methionine as starting codons which breaks the property of non-ambiguousness. Therefore, few codes are different from universal code or non-ambiguous code.

Genetic Code – Molecular Basis of Inheritance

CBSE Class12- Molecular Basis Of Inheritance- Genetic Code: The sequence of nucleotides in deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid which determines the amino acids sequence of proteins is known as Genetic code. DNA consists of information for protein sequences. RNA consists of four nucleotides: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and uracil (U). The genetic code is made up of three nitrogen bases which are known as the triplet code.

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Properties of Genetic Code

Nonoverlapping Code: When a code read in a group that initially becomes part of the triplet which becomes a part of the triplet and can never again become a part of the next triplet is known as a nonoverlapping code. Degenerate Code: Except tryptophan and methionine every amino acid is coded by other codons therefore some codons are synonyms and this is known as the degeneracy of genetic code. Triplet Code: Strong proof is available that sequences of three nucleotides code for an amino acid in the protein is known as triplet. There are 64 codons for 20 amino acids where every codon for amino acid means that there exists more code for a same amino acid. Universal Nature or Non-ambiguous: Same genetic codes are seen in all organisms which means they are universal in nature whereas genetic code is non-ambiguous for a particular codon that will code for a particular amino acid. Comma less Code: No room for punctuation is there in between them which shows every codon is adjacent to the previous one without any nucleotides between them. Start and Stop Codons: The start codon is the AUG codon whereas the stop codons are UAG, UGA, and UAA. Polarity: The triplet can read from 5′ – 3′ directions, the beginning base is 5′ followed by the middle and last the last base which is 3′. Therefore these codons have fixed polarity....

Exceptions of Genetic Code

Due to similar codons being seen in all organisms, the genetic code is universal along with the same START and STOP signals in the genes of microorganisms and plants. Therefore there are few exceptions which include one or two STOP codons of an amino acid....

FAQs on Genetic Code

Q1: What do you mean by Genetic code?...