Explanation of the Code

  • Build Stage (build):
    • FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as build: This line designates the official Maven image with JDK 8 installed as the basis image for the build stage.
    • WORKDIR /app: Sets the Docker container’s working directory to /app.
    • COPY . .: Moves each file from the current directory (which includes the Dockerfile) to the /app directory of the container.
    • RUN mvn clean package: Performs out the project’s cleanup and WAR file packaging using the Maven command. The Maven project is assumed to be in the root directory with this command.
  • Final Stage:
    • FROM tomcat:8.0.20-jre8: Use the official Tomcat image with JRE 8 installed as the basis image for the final step.
    • COPY --from=build /app/target/maven-web-app*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/maven-web-application.war: Copies the generated WAR file from the build step into the final image’s Tomcat webapps directory (/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/). The file is being copied from the previous build stage, according to by the –from=build flag. To take into account version numbers or other variations in the WAR file name, use the wildcard pattern maven-web-app*.war.

What is an Multistage Dockerfile?

Docker has revolutionized the world of software development and software deployment by simplifying the process of creating, distributing, and running applications within containers. This feature of Docker is very helpful for developers, so Among Docker’s sea of features, multistage Dockerfile stands out as a very powerful tool for optimizing the size and efficiency of container images Let’s get familiar with multistage Dockerfiles and add another tool to our journey with DevOps.

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What is a multistage Dockerfile?

A multistage Dockerfile is a feature introduced in Docker to address the challenge of creating lean and efficient container images Traditionally, Docker images used to contain all the dependencies, libraries, and tools required to run an application, leading to bloated images that consume unnecessary disk space and hence increase the deployment times Now Multistage builds allow developers to build multiple intermediate images within a single Dockerfile, and each intermediate image serves a specific purpose in the build process....

How does it work?

In a multistage Dockerfile, developers define multiple build stages, each encapsulating a specific set of instructions and dependencies. These stages can be named and referenced within the Dockerfile, enabling seamless communication between them Basically, the first stage of creating a multistage Dockerfile is dedicated to building the application code, while subsequent stages focus on packaging the application and preparing it for runtime. Intermediate images that are generated in earlier stages are discarded just after their purpose is served, resulting in a final production image that contains only the essential components required to run the application....

Use multi-stage builds

# Code template to get you started For Multistage Dockerfile# Build stage with development toolsFROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as buildWORKDIR /appCOPY . .RUN mvn clean package#FInal StageFROM tomcat:8.0.20-jre8COPY --from=build /app/target/maven-web-app*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/maven-web-application.war...

Explanation of the Code

Build Stage (build): FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as build: This line designates the official Maven image with JDK 8 installed as the basis image for the build stage. WORKDIR /app: Sets the Docker container’s working directory to /app. COPY . .: Moves each file from the current directory (which includes the Dockerfile) to the /app directory of the container. RUN mvn clean package: Performs out the project’s cleanup and WAR file packaging using the Maven command. The Maven project is assumed to be in the root directory with this command....

Name your build stages

The AS keyword in the FROM instruction lets us to assign names to the construction phases. In spite of keeping everything clear, this naming makes sure that directives like COPY remain intact if the Dockerfile is later reorganized. Kindly refer to the command below for your reference....

Stop at a specific build stage

When getting the Docker image, we may provide the target build stage with the –target flag to stop at that particular point. This allows you to halt the build process as certain points without building the stages that followed....

Use an external image as a stage

The FROM instruction is employed to reference an image from a Docker registry or repository when employing an external image as a stage in a Dockerfile. You can reuse pre-built images as stages in your multi-stage builds through this approach....

Differences between legacy builder and BuildKit

Feature Legacy Builder BuildKit Build Speed Slower Faster Concurrency Limited Multiple tasks at once Customization Limited options More flexible Cache Management Inefficient Efficient Error Handling Vague error messages Clearer error messages Security Fewer security features More security features...

Necessary commands required for Multi-Stage Dockerfile

Command Description about Command Stage-Specific? FROM image:tag Defines the base image for the current stage. Yes AS name Assigns a name to the current stage. Yes WORKDIR path Sets the working directory for subsequent commands. No COPY source destination Copies files/directories from context/previous stage. No RUN command Executes shell commands. No CMD [“command”, “arg1”, …] Sets the default command for container start. No USER user Sets the user account for container processes. No EXPOSE port Specifies ports container listens on. No ENV KEY=VALUE Defines environment variables accessible in container. No LABEL key=value Adds metadata labels to the image. No –from=stage Specifies source stage for copying files. Yes...

Benefits of Multistage Dockerfiles

Reduced Image Size: Multistage builds lead to leaner container images, that require less storage and can be delivered quicker by removing unnecessary dependencies and an intermediary artifacts. Enhanced Security: Multistage provides a more secure runtime environment for applications through decreasing the attack surface of slimmer images, thereby decreasing the likelihood of security vulnerabilities. Improved Build Efficiency: By separating the compilation and packaging procedures, multistage builds simplify the build process and allow quicker builds and more effective use of the resources at hand. Simplified Maintenance: Developers simply update and oversee Dockerfiles via a modular and efficient build process, resulting in more scalable and maintainable containerized structures. Better CI/CD Integration: Multistage builds offer for automated and efficient software delivery workflows by integrating easily with pipelines for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)....

Realtime-use case examples

Stream Processing and Analytics...

Best Practices for Multistage Dockerfiles

Identify Build Stages: Analyze the application requirements and identify distinct build stages based on compilation, testing, packaging, and deployment. Minimize Dependencies: Install only the necessary dependencies and libraries in each build stage to keep the image size to a minimum. Optimize Layering: Utilize Docker’s layer caching mechanism to optimize layering and maximize build efficiency. Leverage Official Images: Whenever possible, leverage official Docker images as base images for your build stages to ensure reliability and security. Test and Iterate: Its great habit to Continuously test and iterate on your multistage Dockerfiles....


Multistage Dockerfiles offer a streamlined approach to container image creation, reducing size, enhancing security, and improving build efficiency. By segmenting the build process into distinct stages and discarding unnecessary artifacts, developers can produce leaner images that accelerate deployment and minimize attack vectors. Adopting best practices and leveraging multistage builds empower organizations to optimize their containerized workflows, driving innovation and agility in software development and deployment pipelines. Embracing multistage Dockerfiles is essential for modernizing containerization practices and maximizing efficiency in the evolving landscape of container technologies....

What is an Multistage Dockerfile – FAQs

What is the main advantage of using a multistage Dockerfile?...