Export SQLite Database to a CSV File Using the SQLite3 Tool

Step 1: Open the Database and Set the Mode

Using the SQLite command line tool, we will export the output into a CSV file. For that, we need to follow some specific steps. For this tutorial, an already created and populated Table called Students will be used.

Firstly, we need to open the Database using the open dot-command. Then we need to set the mode into Column and CSV to structure our output better. Write and execute the below commands


.mode column
.mode csv

Step 2: Create CSV File

After that, we need to manually create a file in the destination/directory of our choice and create a CSV file there. Then we need to use the output dot command, followed by the entire path of the CSV file. Write and execute the below command.


.output student_details.csv

Here, only the name and the extension of the file has been provided because the Database and the file resides in same directory. This will not be the case everytime, if the file and the database doesn’t reside in the same directory, then the entire path of that file has to be passed.

After executing this command, every SQLite command we will run, the output will not be displayed on the Command Line, rather it will be stored in the mentioned CSV file.

Step 3: Run Statements and Output to CSV

Now we will run some simple statements using SELECT and WHERE statements and see their outputs getting stored in the mentioned CSV file. Write and Execute the below commands.


SELECT * FROM students;
SELECT * FROM students where class > 8;


Explanation: As we can see in the output, nothing has been printed in the SQLite command Line. The outputs of both the commands has been stored in the CSV file mentioned earlier.

Contents of student_details.csv

Explanation: As we can see here, the outputs of those SQlite commands have been successfully stored into the CSV file mentioned,

Step 4: Quit Operation

When we are done, means when we don’t want to store the outputs of the statements into the CSV file anymore. We need to execute another dot-command called .quit. This is to mark the end of the Exporting operation.



Export SQLite Database To a CSV File

SQLite is an embedded database that doesn’t use a database like Oracle in the background to operate. It is written in C language and is used by developers who embed a lightweight database over the existing application, browser, or embedded systems. The main features of SQLite are that it is a tiny, quick, self-contained, reliable, full-featured SQL database engine.

Exporting a SQLite file into a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format can become very useful when it comes to data sharing and data storage. The CSV format is widely used, lightweight, and simple to understand and manipulate. Another benefit of using a CSV file is that it can store Tabular Data. CSV is also platform-independent and easily importable to other database systems or other data-related tools. Exporting an SQLite file into a CSV file can also be used in case of Data Backup, Data Migration, and Data Analysis.

In this article, we will explore the different ways to export an SQLite file into a CSV file format, using the SQLite Command-Line and the SQLiteStudio tool.

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Exporting a database or a part of database becomes very much useful when the database records are needed to be shared or stored as a backup. Comma Separated Values or CSV is a very well-known and lightweight format, which is understandable and supported by most of the databases and other programs available. SQLite itself can import and manipulate CSV files with ease, this is why it is very much useful for both the reason. In this article, we saw and discussed about the quickest and best approach to export an SQLite database into a CSV file and also saw how the CSV file gets updated with the execution of every single command....