Extracting Dictionary Values from Columns in a Dataframe

Below are some of the ways by which we can extract dictionary values from columns in a DataFrame in Python:

  1. Using Apply and Lambda Functions
  2. Using List Comprehension

Using Apply and Lambda Functions

In this method, we use the pandas apply() function to a column. It takes a function as an argument which will be applied to each value of that column. The function to be passed to apply() will be a lambda function, which will extract each iterable from a particular column.

Example: In this example, we create a data frame with two columns, one of them is of dictionary type. To extract the dictionary values, we then used apply() and lambda function to each keys of the dictionary.

# import pandas
import pandas as pd
# Sample DataFrame
data = {
  'ID': [1, 2, 3],
  'Details': [{'Name': 'Monu', 'Age': 30},
              {'Name': 'Sonu', 'Age': 25},
              {'Name': 'Golu', 'Age': 35}]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Accessing and extracting values from 'Details' column
df['Name'] = df['Details'].apply(lambda x: x['Name'])
df['Age'] = df['Details'].apply(lambda x: x['Age'])


   ID                      Details  Name  Age
0   1  {'Name': 'Monu', 'Age': 30}  Monu   30
1   2  {'Name': 'Sonu', 'Age': 25}  Sonu   25
2   3  {'Name': 'Golu', 'Age': 35}  Golu   35

Using List Comprehension

Another method to extract dictionary values from data frame column is by using python list comprehension, where using a for loop list comprehension, each value of the dictionary is extracted and stored in the form of a list.

Example: In this example, we simply use list comprehension on the column with dictionary values and extract each value through list comprehension.

# import pandas
import pandas as pd
# Sample DataFrame
data = {
  'ID': [1, 2, 3],
  'Details': [{'Name': 'Monu', 'Age': 30},
              {'Name': 'sonu', 'Age': 25},
              {'Name': 'Golu', 'Age': 35}]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Accessing and extracting values from 'Details' column
df['Name'] = [i['Name'] for i in df['Details']]
df['Age'] = [i['Age'] for i in df['Details']]



    ID                                   Details   Name  Age
0 1 {'Name': 'Monu', 'Age': 30} Monu 30
1 2 {'Name': 'sonu', 'Age': 25} Sonu 25
2 3 {'Name': 'Golu', 'Age': 35} Golu 35

Extract Dictionary Value from Column in Data Frame

Data Frames in Python, especially with libraries like Pandas, are powerful tools for data manipulation and analysis. Sometimes, data stored within a Data Frame’s column may be in the form of dictionaries. Extracting values from such dictionaries is a common operation in data preprocessing. This post explores various methods to extract dictionary values from Data Frame columns efficiently in Python.

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