Facts About Fertilisers

Some interesting facts about ferlilizers are given below:

Fact 1

Fertilizers enhance and increase the yield of various crops like wheat, maize, rice, and various cereals and legumes.

Fact 2

Biofertilizers play a crucial role in enhancing plant productivity and fostering healthier crops. They also help in the suppression of disease-causing pathogens. Two commonly utilized biofertilizers are Acetobacter and Rhizobium.


Fertilizers do not contribute humus to the soil; however, they increase its physical condition.

Fact 4

Fertilizers can have adverse effects on soil microbes, including those crucial for nitrogen fixation and other beneficial microorganisms essential for crop health.

Fact 5

Biofertilizers support plant growth by producing essential plant growth regulators such as biotins, cytokinins, auxins, and other vital biomolecules necessary for plant growth and development.

Fact 6

Fertilizers are primarily applied to plants to provide essential nutrients that may be lacking in the soil and to enhance soil texture and fertility.

Fact 7

Biofertilizers primarily consist of plant residues, organic matter, and specific classes of microorganisms, serving as valuable sources of nutrients beneficial for plant growth.

Fact 8

Fertilizers are readily absorbed by plants due to their water-soluble nature, facilitating the provision of essential nutrients and enhancing crop production

Fact 9

Fertilizers offer predictability and reliability, boosting crop yields and ensuring sufficient food production to sustain a large population.

Fact 10

Biofertilizers are eco-friendly solutions that enrich the soil with essential nutrients and beneficial microbes necessary for plant growth, while also aiding in the retention of soil fertility.

Facts About Fertilizers

Facts About Fertilizers: Fertilizers are substances used to enhance soil fertility and promote plant growth. These compounds provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, important for plant development. Fertilizer types include organic, derived from natural sources like compost or manure, or synthetic, manufactured industrially. They play a crucial role in agriculture, helping to increase crop yields and ensure food security for growing populations. In this article, we will study about fertilizers and some amazing facts about fertilizers.

Table of Content

  • What are Fertilisers?
  • Facts About Fertilisers
  • Conclusion: Facts About Fertilizers
  • Related Facts Articles
  • FAQs on Facts About Fertilizers

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