Application of Physics in Technology

Which law of physics is used in Rocket Propulsion?

Rocket propulsion is based on Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Which law of physics is used in optical fiber communication?

Optical fiber communication uses total internal reflection to send data.

How does solar cell work?

Solar cell captures sunlight which is used to create a pair of electron and hole to generate electric current

How does electric generator work?

Electric generators converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

How does electric motor work?

Electric motor works by converting electrical energy into mechanical energy

How has application of physics impacted our lives?

Applications of physics has impacted our lives in many ways. For example, using laws of physics we developed electricity, transportation and several other devices such as AC which had made our lives easy and comfortable

Applications of Physics in Technology

Modern technology is built on the foundation of physics, sometimes referred to as the fundamental science. Every aspect of technological growth, from the massive skyscrapers rising towards the sky to the small transistors powering our smartphones, is based on the laws of physics. In this article, we will learn the numerous practical uses of physics in technology.

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Physics is the study of physical properties and fundamental forces of nature. Physics is divided into various subfields, such as mechanics, magnetism, electrostatics, quantum physics, and other depending on the matter and the phenomena involved. Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge. These technologies are used in instruments to solve issues or enhance current procedures. It includes a wide range of inventions, from basic machinery and tools to intricate systems and digital technology....

FAQs on Application of Physics in Technology

Which law of physics is used in Rocket Propulsion?...