
What is Autophagy?

Autophagy is a cellular process that cleans up damaged components, promoting cell health and longevity.

How does Autophagy Benefit the Body?

Autophagy helps maintain cellular homeostasis, boosts immunity, and supports metabolic health.

Can Fasting Activate Autophagy?

Yes, fasting triggers autophagy by reducing nutrient availability, prompting cells to clean up and recycle.

What are the Effects of Exercise on Autophagy?

Exercise enhances autophagy, promoting cellular renewal and resilience.

Are there any Natural Ways to Boost Autophagy?

Yes, caloric restriction, intermittent fasting, and certain foods can stimulate autophagy.

Does Autophagy Play a Role in Disease Prevention

Yes, autophagy dysfunction has been linked to various diseases, highlighting its importance for health.


Autophagy comes from Greek words “auto” (self) and “phagy” (eating), which means cells eating themselves. Autophagy is a process where cells get rid of damaged parts to stay healthy. The various types of autophagy include macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy. In this article, we will cover in-depth about autophagy types, examples, and more.

Table of Content

  • Autophagy Meaning
  • Autophagy Mechanism
  • Autophagy Causes
  • Autophagy Functions
  • Types of Autophagy
    • Macroautophagy
    • Microautophagy
    • Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy (CMA)
    • Selective Autophagy
    • Mitophagy
    • Pexophagy
    • Lipophagy
    • Cytophagy
  • Autophagy and Autolysis
  • Difference Between Autophagy and Phagocytosis
  • Why is Autophagy Important?

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Conclusion – Autophagy

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FAQs on Autophagy

What is Autophagy?...