Compound Noun

Q1. What is a Compound Nouns? 

A compound Noun is a noun that is made with two or more words together.

Compound Nouns are made by joining more than one word together. 

Q2. What are 10 examples of Compound Nouns? 

1. blackboard

2. heart attack

3. swimming pool

4. father – in – law

5. dining – table

6. football

7. driving licence.

8. underline

9. shutdown

10. mother-in-law.

Q3. What are 3 Compound Nouns? 

Blackboard, Hotspot, Input.

Q4. What are 10 examples of compound nouns?

Compound nouns are formed by combining two or more words to create a single noun that represents a specific concept or thing. Here are 10 examples of compound nouns:

1. Toothbrush: A brush for cleaning teeth.

2. Bookstore: A store where books are sold.

3. Raincoat: A coat designed to keep you dry in the rain.

4. Mailbox: A box for receiving mail.

5. Lighthouse: A tall structure with a light to guide ships.

6. Soccer ball: A ball used in the game of soccer.

7. Airplane: A powered flying vehicle.

8. Coffee cup: A cup for drinking coffee.

9. Firefighter: A person who fights fires.

10. Hairbrush: A brush for grooming hair.

Compound nouns are common in English and help to describe a wide range of objects, concepts, and activities. They can be written as one word, hyphenated, or as separate words, depending on the specific compound and language conventions.

Q5. What is compound noun easy?

A compound noun is a noun that is formed by combining two or more words to create a single noun that represents a specific concept or thing. These words can be written as one word, hyphenated, or as separate words, depending on the specific compound and language conventions. Compound nouns are used to describe a wide range of objects, concepts, and activities. For example, “toothbrush” is a compound noun formed by combining “tooth” and “brush” to describe the tool used for cleaning teeth.

Q6. What is a compound noun in ielts?

In IELTS, a “compound noun” is when two or more words combine to form a single noun. Understanding and using compound nouns correctly is essential for both written and spoken English proficiency, as they often appear in various IELTS exam sections. Examples include “healthcare system,” “technology advancements,” and “income inequality.”

What is a Compound Noun? Definition, Types & Examples

Compound nouns are used to identify a class of people, places, things or a particular name. It is an important topic for all students, especially for those who are preparing for competitive examinations. One or more questions from this topic are asked in every competitive examination.  This article will provide you with an introduction to compound nouns, types, and examples of compound nouns.

Table of Content

  • What is a Compound Noun? 
  • Definition of Compound Noun
  • Types of Compound Nouns With Examples
  • Closed or Solid Compound Nouns
  • Spaced or Open Compound Nouns
  • Hyphenated Compound Noun 
  • Compound Nouns Examples 
  • Forming Compound Nouns with all Parts of Speech  
  • Noun + Noun 
  • Noun + Verb 
  • Noun + Preposition
  • Preposition + Verb 
  • Verb + Preposition
  • Preposition + Noun 
  • Adjective + Noun 
  • Adjective + Verb 
  • List of Compound Nouns
  • Rules for Compound Noun
  • Difference Between Compound Nouns and Collective Noun
  • Compound Noun Vs Collective Noun
  • Comound Noun Exercises
  • Answer 

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Comound Noun Exercises

Read the sentences carefully and identify the compound nouns given below....


1. blackboard...

FAQs on Compound Noun

Q1. What is a Compound Nouns?...