
What are decimals?

Decimals are a way of expressing parts of a whole or numbers that fall between two whole numbers. They consist of a whole number part and a fractional part separated by a decimal point.

How do you read decimals?

Decimals are read by stating the whole number part, followed by the word “point,” and then reading the fractional part as individual digits. For example, the decimal 3.25 is read as “three point two five.”

What are terminating and recurring decimals?

Terminating decimals are decimals that end after a finite number of digits, while recurring decimals have a repeating pattern of digits after the decimal point.

How do you compare decimals?

Decimals can be compared by looking at the digits to the left of the decimal point first. If they are the same, then compare the digits to the right of the decimal point. Start from the leftmost digit and move to the right until you find digits that are different.

How do you add and subtract decimals?

To add or subtract decimals, align the decimal points and perform the addition or subtraction as you would with whole numbers. Remember to carry over any digits if necessary.

How do you multiply and divide decimals?

To multiply or divide decimals, ignore the decimal points and perform the multiplication or division as you would with whole numbers. Count the total number of digits to the right of the decimal points in the original numbers and place the decimal point in the result accordingly.

What are the applications of decimals?

Decimals are used in various real-life situations such as measurements (length, weight, volume), financial calculations (money, percentages), and scientific calculations. They provide a precise way of representing fractional parts of numbers, making them essential in many fields.

Practice Questions on Decimals

Decimal is a numerical representation that uses a dot, which we call a decimal point, to separate the whole number part from its fractional part. The decimal numeral system is used as the standard system that is used to distinguish integer and non-integer numbers. In this series of practice questions, we’ll explore the fundamentals of decimals, including their definition, types, and applications.

Decimal in Maths

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What are decimals?...