Diagram of Frog

1. What is a Frog?

Frog is an amphibian that belongs to order Anura under Class Amphibia. They are found in various colours and inhabit wide range of habitats. These small creatures are roughly triangular in shape with short forelimbs and long hind limbs that are folded like ‘Z’.

2. What is the Shape of a Frog?

A frog typically has a streamlined body shape, characterized by a broad, flat head, a short neck, and widened posterior. They have powerful hind limbs with webbed feet that helps them to jump and swim.

3. How do Frogs differ from Toads?

Frogs have smooth, moist skin, longer legs for jumping, and prefer moist habitats. Toads, on the other hand, often have dry, warty skin, shorter hind legs for walking, and are adapted to drier environments. However, both of them are amphibians.

4. Why Frogs are called Anurans?

Frogs are called anurans or belong to order anura because they have no tails. The term “Anura” is derived from the Greek words “an,” meaning without, and “oura,” meaning tail, highlighting the defining characteristic of the order Anura.

5. How to Distinguish a Male Frog from a Female Frog?

Frogs exihibit sexual dimorphism. A male frog is typically smaller than the female frogs and have some specialised structures like copulatory pad under their index finger and vocal sacs in the throat region. In contrast female frogs are larger and lack these specialised organs that are needed by male frogs to attract potential mates.

Diagram of Frog

Frogs are amphibians that belong to the order Anura. They have a stout triangular trunk, bulging eyes, wet skin, long hind legs, and no tail. They are born out of eggs as tadpoles and undergo metamorphosis to become adult frogs. All frogs are carnivores and inhabit a wide variety of ecosystems. In this article, we will study the frog, its classification, description, and its labeled diagram. They also play crucial roles in maintaining ecological balance as prey and predator.

Table of Content

  • Classification of Frog
  • Habitat and Distribution of Frogs
  • Labeled Diagram of Frog
  • Sexual Dimorphism in Frog
  • Significance of Frogs

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Labeled Diagram of Frog

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Sexual Dimorphism in Frog

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Significance of Frogs

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1. What is a Frog?...