Digital Voltmeter

What is Analog voltmeter?

Analog voltmeter is a device which is mainly used for measuring AC voltage. It uses a pointer to display the reading. The pointer is fixed on the calibrated scale and can point to a range of values.

What is meant by calibration?

Calibration is the process of configuring an instrument to provide a result for a sample within an acceptable range. By controlling the calibration we can decrease or minimize the errors.

What is Analog to digital convertor? How is it similar to DVM?

Analog to digital convertor is used to convert an Analog signal to a digital signal using some circuits. Its working is similar to DVM as it transforms the Analog input signal into a sequence of pulses .

Working Principle of Digital Voltmeter

A voltmeter is a significant device used in electronics engineering for measuring potential developed across various devices. Depending on the requirements these voltmeters can be designed into two types that being digital and analog. In this article, we will briefly discuss the two types of voltmeters. Later we will study about digital voltmeter and the working principle behind it. We will also see the block diagram of a digital voltmeter and how it works. The digital voltmeter can further be divided into certain types and we will discuss them too. This description will include talking about their specifications as well. After the discussion, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of digital voltmeters which are considered while using digital voltmeters in some real-life appliances. This will conclude the article with some Frequently Asked Questions for user reference.

Table of Content

  • Digital Voltmeter
  • Working Principle
  • Block Diagram
  • Types
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications

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The article presents us a brief introduction to the types of voltmeter and a detailed picture of digital voltmeter. The working and block diagrams of voltmeter have been discussed to give readers some insights into the DVM. The applications of DVM shows us how important DVM is to the electronics industry mainly because of the precise readings it can give. That being said , developments in technology are peaking and there is a large possibility of further improvements in DVM to make it better in terms of fragility and other factors. Readers can refer to the FAQs for any doubts....

FAQs on Digital Voltmeter

What is Analog voltmeter?...