
Question 1: Define diversity.


Creatures of Kingdom Animals are grouped into various requests and classes. Creatures living in various conditions, including the water, land, deserts, timberlands, fields, ice land and water and ice to deserts and backwoods and meadows. This multitude of life forms comprises something many refer to as cells. Cells are the structural blocks of life and one of the main qualities of living creatures. They are primary units of life completing explicitly appointed capabilities. A gathering of such cells structures a tissue. Variety in living organic entities can be capable wherever on the planet. The warm and moist locales of the earth are profoundly assorted and are known as the district of super biodiversity. 

Question 2: Explain about Five-Kingdom Classification.


This realm was proposed by H.Whittaker, who isolated the life forms into five unique classes: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Question 3: In which kingdom do Gymnosperms come under?


Gymnosperms come under ‘Plantae’ in Five-Kingdom Classifications.

Question 4: Define Gymnosperms.


Gymnosperms have a place with realm ‘Plantae’ and sub-realm ‘Embryophyta’. The fossil proof recommended that they started during the Paleozoic period, around a long time back.”Gymnosperm” comes from the Greek words “gymnos”(naked) and “sperma”(seed), subsequently known as “Bare seeds.” Gymnosperms are seed-delivering plants, yet dissimilar to angiosperms, they produce seeds without organic products. These plants foster on the outer layer of scales or leaves, or toward the finish of stalks framing a cone-like design.

Question 5: Mention the types involved in Gymnosperms.


There are 4 types; Cycadophyta,Ginkgophyta, Gnetophyta, Coniferophyta.

Gymnosperms | Class 9 Biology

Our planet is gifted with various living life forms, which change in size, shape, environment, sustenance, proliferation, and much more. In view of their actual elements and their territory, these creatures of Kingdom Animals are grouped into various requests and classes. Creatures live in various conditions, including water, land, deserts, timberlands, fields, ice land, and water and ice to deserts and backwoods, and meadows. This multitude of life forms comprises something many refer to as cells. Cells are the structural blocks of life and one of the main qualities of living creatures. They are primary units of life completing explicitly appointed capabilities. A gathering of such cells structures a tissue.

Variety in living organic entities can be capable wherever on the planet. The warm and moist locales of the earth are profoundly assorted and are known as the district of super biodiversity. 12 nations on the planet have the greater part of the biodiversity on the planet. India is one of them.

Every individual has a novel DNA setup. We vary among people in the manner we look and change credits adding to it, for example, our level, appearance, and so on. On the off chance that we contrast ourselves and alternate animal types like a pony or a fish, we would change enormously in practically everything viewpoint except assuming a pony is contrasted with a zebra, we would have the option to just draw a couple of contrasts.

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FAQs on Gymnosperms

Question 1: Define diversity....