FAQS on LCM of 6 and 10

What is Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 6 and 10?

LCM of 6 and 10 is 30.

How is LCM calculated for 6 and 10?

To find the LCM, methods like prime factorization, listing multiples, or the ladder method can be used.

Can LCM of 6 and 10 be Smaller than both Numbers?

No, LCM is always equal to or greater than the given numbers. For 6 and 10, the LCM 30 is greater than both 6 and 10.

Why is finding the LCM important?

Finding the LCM is crucial in various mathematical operations, such as simplifying fractions, solving equations, and working with common denominators.

What are Common Multiples of 6 and 10?

Common multiples of 6 and 10 are multiples of their LCM (30). Examples 30, 60, 90, and so on.

Can LCM of 6 and 10 be Negative?

No, LCM is always a positive integer. It represents the smallest positive multiple that is divisible by both numbers.

Is Order of Numbers Important When Finding LCM?

No, the LCM is the same regardless of the order of the numbers. The LCM of 6 and 10 is the same as the LCM of 10 and 6, which is 30.

LCM of 6 and 10

LCM of 6 and 10 is 30. LCM or Least Common Multiple is the smallest multiple of both numbers. The concept of LCM is very important and is used in various problems of mathematics. In this article, we will discuss the concept of LCM and specifically explore its calculation for the numbers 10 and 6.

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