Molecules and Compounds

1. What is Difference between Molecules and Compounds?

The major difference between molecules and compounds is that molecules are very small they are generally not visible to human eyes where as compound are visible to human eyes also molecule can be either stable or unstable whereas compounds are generally stable.

2. What is Difference between Molecular Formula and Empirical Formula?

Empirical formula is basic formula for any compound whereas, molecular formula, can be counted as a multiple of the empirical formula. It is based on the precise number of atoms present in the compound for each type. For example, if the compound’s empirical formula is C3H8, its molecular formula could be C3H8, C6H16, and so on.

3. Is H2O a Molecule or a Compound?

H2O is a Compound in H2O two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combines in a definite ratio to form a water molecule.

4. What are Types of Compounds?

Generally, compounds are categorised into two categories,

  • Ionic Compound: Example, NaCl, CaCl2, etc
  • Molecular Compound: Example, H2O, CO2, etc.

5. What is a Compound?

A compound is a substance that is formed by joining different types of elements in a fixed proportions. They are present in all the matter around us. A compound is formed by molecules. Some examples of compounds are, Water, Common Salt, Acetic Acid, etc.

6. What is a Molecule?

A molecule is formed by joining two or more atoms together. They are formed by atoms joint together by chemical bond. These molecules forms the base of each compounds, example of compounds are, NaCl, CaCl2, etc.

Difference Between Molecules and Compounds

Molecules are the smallest building blocks that form the matter around us. They are the simplest particles that carry the properties of matter. Molecules are joined together to form the Compound. A molecule is the smallest unit of matter formed by joining various atoms together whereas the compounds are the matter that we see around us. The water that we see around us is a compound that is made up of water molecules. The molecules of water are represented as H2O.

Let’s learn more about Molecules, Compounds, and Differences between Molecules and Compounds in this article. 

Table of Content

  • What are Molecules?
  • Examples of Molecules
  • What are Compounds?
  • Types of Compounds
  • Difference Between Compounds and Molecules

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