Multi Processing Operating System

Q.1: Does a multiprocessing operating system consume less or more electricity?


Multiprocessing operating system consumes less electricity because each processor executes different processes of a single task which divides the load among each processor.

Q.2: Name the multi-processing operating systems?


UNIX , LINUX, Solaris, Windows Server are most widely used multi processing operating system.

Q.3: What are the challenges faced by multiprocessing operating systems?


The challenges faced by multiprocessing operating system are complexity, software compatibility issues, specialized hardware and software cost and synchronisation issues.

Q.4: What is the basic difference between a multiprocessing operating system and a distributed operating system?


The basic difference between multiprocessing operating system and distributed operating system is multiprocessing operating system shares a common memory between all the available processors or CPUs whereas in distributed operating systems each CPU is assigned with its own private memory.

Multi Processing Operating System

The operating system functions like a manager of all the available resources. Therefore operating system is defined as an interface between the system and the user. There are various types of operating systems such as Batch Operating Systems, Multi-programming Operating Systems, distributed operating systems time-sharing operating systems, real-time operating systems, and distributed operating systems. Each operating system offers different types of features and advantages. The below article covers in detail the Multiprocessing operating system.

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Multiprocessing operating systems are designed in such a way that multiple processors can work simultaneously. They provides with advantages such better performance, efficient utilization of resources and high availability. The two different types of multiprocessing operating systems they are symmetrical and asymmetrical differ according to their process, use, cost and other features. According to the requirement they types of Operating are used....

FAQs on Multi Processing Operating System

Q.1: Does a multiprocessing operating system consume less or more electricity?...