NCERT Notes Class 9 Economics: Chapter 2: People as Resource

What is the main focus of NCERT Notes Class 9 Economics Chapter 2: People as Resource?

The chapter focuses on understanding the role of human capital in economic development, emphasizing education, health, and skill development.

How are people considered as assets in the context of economic development?

People are considered assets because they possess skills, knowledge, and abilities that contribute to productivity, innovation, and economic growth.

What is the significance of investment in education and healthcare?

Investment in education and healthcare improves human capital, enhances productivity, reduces poverty, and promotes sustainable development.

How does the quality of human resource affect economic growth?

A skilled and healthy workforce leads to higher productivity, innovation, and competitiveness, driving economic growth and development.

What are some examples of human-made capital?

Human-made capital includes infrastructure, machinery, technology, and organizational capital, which complement human capital and enhance productivity.

How does unemployment impact economic development?

Unemployment hampers economic growth by reducing productivity, causing wastage of human resources, and increasing social and economic inequalities.

What role does government play in enhancing human capital?

The government plays a crucial role in investing in education, healthcare, skill development, and employment generation to develop human capital and promote inclusive growth.

NCERT Revision Notes Class-9 Economics Chapter-2: People As Resource

The chapter ‘People as Resource‘ is an effort to explain the population as an asset for the economy rather than a liability. The chapter highlights the importance of human capital, which includes people’s skills, knowledge, and abilities, in driving economic growth and development. Human capital is the stock of knowledge, skills, and abilities embodied in the population. It is a key factor in economic growth, as it determines the productivity of labor.

Table of Content

  • Overview
  • Economic Activities by Men and Women
  • Quality of Population

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Economic Activities by Men and Women

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Quality of Population

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Conclusion – NCERT Notes Class-9 Economics: Chapter-2: People as Resource

The chapter discusses the different ways in which human capital can be developed. These include education, training, and health care. Education provides people with the knowledge and skills they need to be productive workers. Training provides people with the specific skills they need to perform particular jobs. Health care helps to keep people healthy and productive. The chapter concludes by discussing the challenges to human capital development in India. These challenges include poverty, malnutrition, and lack of access to education and health care. The chapter also discusses the policies that the government can implement to address these challenges....

FAQs on NCERT Notes Class 9 Economics: Chapter 2: People as Resource

What is the main focus of NCERT Notes Class 9 Economics Chapter 2: People as Resource?...