FAQs On Node-Express Server to AWS

1. What are the different ways in which the Node.js Express server database can be managed on AWS?

There are different options available on AWS to host your own databse for the server. Few of them are DocumentDB, DynamoDB, RDS, etc. You first need to evaluate your design and the requirements and based on that a particular service can be integrated.

2. What are the different ways in which the Node.js Express server on AWS can be monitored?

You can do it using Amazon CloudWatch. This is a service provided by AWS which can be used by any application/server to help monitor different metrics of the instance and take corresponding actions on the basis of that.

3. How can I set up my AWS Node.js Express application on a custom self-owned domain?

AWS allows you to host your AWS application on a custom domain. It can be configured using Route 53. This route can be used to point our custom and self-owned domain to the AWS server.

4. What are the different ways to secure the Node.js Express Server on AWS?

AWS provides a number of different ways to for the security of your Node.js Express Server. They include implementing user access controls, adding security groups, and using a secure socket layer (i.e. HTTPS), etc.

Deploy Node-Express Server in AWS EC2 Instance

AWS or Amazon Web Services is a leading cloud services provider which gives access to a number of on-demand computational services, databases, storage space, etc.EC2 or Elastic Compute Cloud is an on-demand computing service on the AWS cloud platform. Under computing, it includes all the services a computing device can offer to you along with the flexibility of a virtual environment.

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FAQs On Node-Express Server to AWS

1. What are the different ways in which the Node.js Express server database can be managed on AWS?...