Pokhran Nuclear Test

Where did India test its nuclear weapons?

India conducted its nuclear tests in Pokhran, Rajasthan.

What is Operation Smiling Buddha?

Operation Smiling Buddha is the first nuclear test done by India in 1974. It was done under Indira Gandhi.

What was the international reaction to Pokhran-II?

India’s second nucle­ar test at Pokhran in 1998 triggered wide­spread disapproval globally. In response, the­ U.S. pledged to withhold its aid, exce­pt for humanitarian assistance. Countries like Pakistan and China which are neighbours to India claimed that this was bound to threaten the South Asian countries.

What were the difficulties faced during Pokhran-II?

India did not have any place where they could conduct the nuclear test while hiding. They chose Pokhran because of its isolation from settlement which would cause the least amount of harm. They had to come up with creative ideas to disguise themselves and the equipment.

Who headed Pokhran-II?

Dr. Abdul Kalam and Dr R Chidambaram were the directors of Pokhran-II.

Pokhran Nuclear Test

Pokhran Nuclear Test: The Pokhran Nuclear Test was conducted by the Indian Government twice. One was in 1974 and the other in 1998. It was done to strengthen India’s position in the international political arena. These tests declared India to be a nuclear power

The Pokhran Nuclear Tests hold great significance in India’s history as they evolved India’s security and International relations. It also caused a huge shift of power dynamics especially in South Asia.

In this article, we will look into the Pokhran Nuclear Test, including the background of India’s Nuclear Program, the 1974 Pokhran Test, and the Pokhran-II Test in 1988 in detail.

Table of Content

  • What was the Pokhran Nuclear Test?
  • Background of India’s Nuclear Program
  • The 1974 Pokhran Nuclear Test: Smiling Buddha
  • Pokhran-II Tests in 1998

What was the Pokhran Nuclear Test?

In 1974, India secretly detonated its first nuclear bomb, “Smiling Buddha,” at Pokhran, sparking international outcry but boosting national pride. In 1998, under “Operation Shakti,” India openly conducted five more tests, declaring itself a nuclear power despite further disapproval. These Pokhran blasts, while controversial, bolstered India’s security stance and scientific advancement, but reignited concerns about nuclear proliferation and ethical implications.

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Conclusion – Pokhran Nuclear Test

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Where did India test its nuclear weapons?...