Politics of Social Division

Question 1: What are the politics of social division?


Democracy as a system involves competition among the various political parties and divides society and turns them into political divisions which leads to conflict and violence. The outcome usually depends on how people themselves perceive their identities.

Question 2: What is social division?


Social division refers to the divisions in society associated with particular social groupings, in terms of advantages, disadvantages, inequalities, and also differences.

Question 3: What is the meaning of political division?


Political division refers to the unit of government which is created by and under the authority of a higher level of government. If the center divides into different states and districts, they are the political sub-divisions.

Politics of Social Divisions

In the system of democracy, competition is involved among the various political parties. The competition among the parties tends to divide any society and they start competing in terms of social divisions already existing in society. This may lead to the turning of social divisions into political divisions, ultimately leading to conflict, violence, or even the disintegration of society. This has already happened in many countries.

Politics of Social Divisions

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