Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 1: Mention some characteristics of the image formed by the plane mirror.


Some of the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror are as:

  • Image is always virtual and erect.
  • The size of the object and the size of the image both are equal.
  • The distance at which the object is placed is the same as the distance between the image obtained.
  • The image formed is laterally inverted.

Question 2: If the object is at 30 cm from the plane mirror then determine how far is image form from it.


As we know, the size of the object and the size of the image both are equal in-plane mirrors.

Therefore we have, 

The object would be at a distance = 30 + 30 cm = 60 cm from its image.

Question 3: If the angle of incidence formed by a ray is 60° in-plane mirror then what should be the angle of reflection?


The angle of incidence = 60° 

For plane mirror,

The angle of incidence (∠ i  ) = angle of reflection (∠ r ).

Therefore Angle of reflection = 60°.

Question 4: Define the term Lateral inversion.


Lateral inversion is defined as the reversal of mirror image where the right side of the object appears on the left side behind the mirror.

For example, when a person lifts his left hand in front of the mirror it appears to be right w.r.t to the mirror.

Another example is the word AMBULANCE written over hospital’s ambulance which is inverted written this is because when a driver saw the word in the mirror it inverts back which makes the word readable so that a person give side to the ambulance.

Question 5: When a plane mirror is rotated through angle θ, what will be the effect on the size of the image and angle of reflection?


When a mirror is rotated through angle θ, then the angle of reflection becomes 2θ, but there is no effect on the size of the image, the in-plane mirror size of the image is equal to the object.

Question 6: Write some properties of Real images.


Some properties of the Real image are:

  1. Real Images are Inverted
  2. Real Images are formed on the screen.
  3. Real images are formed by the concave mirror.
  4. Due to the actual intersection of light rays real images are formed.

Reflection of Light at Plane Surface

Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces occurs whenever a ray of light strikes or falls over a smooth or polished surface and gets strikes back. In simple words, the ray of light approaching or striking any surface results in the reflection of the light. the ray of light which approaches the reflecting surface or incident over it is known as an incident ray and the ray which reflects back after the strike is known as a reflected ray. If a perpendicular is to be drawn between the incident and reflected rays on the reflecting surface, it is known as a Normal. Let’s Learn more about the Reflection of Light on Plane Surfaces and the Reflection on a Plane Mirror in this article!

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Question 1: Mention some characteristics of the image formed by the plane mirror....

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