Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)

1. What is the case when SSTF should not be used?


SSTF is not a good choice when we deal with priority work or some time-bounded work. neering Mathematics – GATE CSE Previous Year … works better in these types of situations.

2. Does SSTF lead to starvation?


SSTF (Shortest Seek TIme First) leads to starvation in the case when incoming requests are closer to the disk head.

SSTF Full Form

SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First) is an abbreviation that selects the request which is closest to the current head position before moving the head away to service other requests. This is done by selecting the request which has the least seek time from the current head position.


SSTF scheduling priority is given to those processes which have the shortest seek, even if these requests are not the first ones in the queue. To implement this, the seek time of every request is calculated in advance in the queue and then requests are scheduled according to their seek time. SSTF does not ensure fairness as it can lead to indefinite postponement as its seek pattern tends to be highly localized. SSTF is like Shortest Job First (SJF) as it can prevent distant requests from being serviced under heavy load which can be termed as Starvation.

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FAQs on Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)

1. What is the case when SSTF should not be used?...