Structure of Nose

1. What two structures make up the nose?

The two structures that make up the nose are bones and cartilage. The bones form the structure of the nose while the cartilage forms the flexible part of the nose.

2. What are the functions of the parts of the nose?

The parts of nose together carry out vital functions of the body. Like the nostrils allow the inhalation of air, while the nasal cavity, lined with mucous membranes, humidifies and filters the air, trapping particles and microbes. The nasal septum divides the nasal cavity, contributing to structural stability and the olfactory region serves in recognition of smell and flavour.

3. What are the layers of the nose anatomy?

The anatomy of the nose includes three layers. The outer layer formed by skin and associated structure. It provides protection. The middle layer made up of cartilage and bone. It forms the structural framework of the nose. And the inner layer, that is a mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity. It contributes to humidification and filtration of air.

4. What is the muscle anatomy of the nose?

The muscle anatomy of the nose includes the Procerus muscle that is located between the eyebrows and spans from the lower nasal bone to the upper forehead. The Nasalis that along with various components, surrounds and extends along the sides of the nostrils. The Depressor Septi Nasi, the Levator labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi, and the orbicularis oris located on the upper lip region.

5. How many bones are in the nose?

There are two bones in the nose. They are oblong bones whose superior border and the main body forms the nasal bridge and the inferior border connects with the cartilage to form the margin of the nasal aperture.

Structure of Nose

The structure of the nose is a complex design composed of bones, cartilage, and soft tissue. The external structure of the nose is somewhat triangular and is primarily shaped by two bones. The internal structure includes a cavity lined by mucus membrane and hair follicles that keep away foreign particles and humidify the inhaled air.

The nasal cavity is divided by a nasal septum. At the base of the nasal cavity lie the two nostrils that act as an entry to the nose. The nose is mainly innervated by the branches of the trigeminal nerve and olfactory nerve. Blood supply to both the external and internal nose is taken care of by various facial arteries that branch out from the carotids.

Table of Content

  • About Nose
  • Diagram of Nose
  • Structure of Nose
  • Function of Nose

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