13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution

1. When was the 13th Amendment Act passed?

13th Amendment Act India was passed in 1962 by the Parliament of India.

2. What was part 21 of the Indian constitution renamed as by the 13th Amendment Act?

Part 21 of Indian Constitution Amendments was renamed as ‘temporary, transitional and special provisions’ by the 13th Amendment Act India.

3. Which article was inserted by the 13th Amendment Act?

Article 371A was inserted by the 13th Amendment Act.

4. Which state was formed by the 13th Amendment Act?

The state of Nagaland was formed by the 13th Amendment Act India.

5. Who was given the responsibility for the administration of the Teunsang district and tribal areas of Nagaland?

Governor of Nagaland was given the responsibility for the administration of the Teunsang district and tribal areas of Nagaland.

6. How many members are there in regional council of Nagaland?

Regional council of Nagaland consists of 35 members.

7. How many members are there in legislative assembly of Nagaland?

There are 60 members in legislative assembly of Nagaland.

8 How can a law made by Parliament regarding practices of Nagas be made applicable to Nagaland?

Any law made by Parliament regarding practices of Nagas shall be applicable to Nagaland if the legislative assembly of Nagaland passes a resolution t13th Amendment Of Indian Constitution do so.


13th Amendment Bill [billstexts/]

News – 13th Amendment Act [www.thehindu.com/]

13th Amendment Constitution India [www.india.gov.in/]

Constitution (Thirteenth Amendment Bill) [rsdebate.nic.in/]

13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution

India is a country with many tribal areas. The administration of these tribal areas is done by the President and governor of the particular state to which that area belongs. The Parliament of India is also entitled to create new states by altering the boundaries of existing states under Article 2 of the Indian Constitution. Under this article and article 368, the Parliament of India enacted the 13th Amendment of 1962 to form a separate state from the state of Assam. This 13th Amendment of Indian Constitution was made through the decision taken in 1960, according to which it was decided to make the Naga Hills-Tuensang Area a separate state of Nagaland.

Table of Content

  • What is the 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution?
  • Historical Context on 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution
  • Objects and Reasons for the 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution, 1962
  • Provisions of 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution
  • Significance of 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution

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The 13th Constitutional Amendment Act, of 1962 gave the status of a state to Nagaland and made special provisions for it. 13th Constitutional Amendment Act, of 1962 was enacted to ensure that the interests of the tribal areas are safeguarded and the integrity of their culture is maintained. This Indian Constitution 13th Amendment 1962 specifically aimed to provide protection to the tribal areas of Nagaland and their culture and also carve out a new state of Nagaland from the state of Assam. This Constitutional Amendment for Nagaland also brought the administration of the state of Nagaland under the governor of the state....

Historical Context on 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution

1918: The Britishers were requested by Nagas not to include them in the Union of India 1946: Naga Council was formed under Phizo 1947: Nagaland was declared to be an independent state when India became independent 1951: A plebiscite was conducted in Nagaland to make it a sovereign and independent country 1952: The Naga Federal Army and Naga Federal Government were formed 1958: GoI had to interfere in the matter, and in response Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) was passed....

Objects and Reasons for the 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution, 1962

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FAQs on 13th Amendment of the Indian Constitution

1. When was the 13th Amendment Act passed?...