the Uses of Atp and Nadph?

Question 1: What is Calvin Cycle? 


The C3 cycle is also called as Calvin cycle. The carbon from the carbon cycle gets fixed into sugars during a process of chemical reactions. It takes place in the plant cell’s chloroplast.

Question 2: What are the different phases of the Calvin cycle?


The different phases of the Calvin cycle are Reduction, regeneration, and carbon fixation. 

Question 3: What is the full form of NADPH? 


NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). 

Question 4: What are Light-independent reactions? 


This reaction occurs both in the presence and absence of sunlight.

Question 5: What is carbon fixation in the Calvin cycle?


RuBP reacts with CO2 to produce a six-carbon molecule, which is then split into two three-carbon compounds by the action of RuBisCO. Because CO2 is “fixed” from its inorganic state into organic molecules, this process is known as carbon fixation.

Where are the Atp and Nadph Used?

The process by which plants convert carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into oxygen and energy in the form of sugar is known as photosynthesis. Autotrophic plants produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis. Sunlight, chlorophyll, CO2, and water are four crucial components needed for this process. The two steps of photosynthesis are the Light Reaction and the Dark Reaction.

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Question 1: What is Calvin Cycle?...