Volume of a Pyramid

What is a Pyramid?

Pyramid is a three-dimensional geometric shape with a polygonal base and triangular faces converging at a common point, called the apex.

What is the formula for volume of pyramids?

Formula for volume of pyramid is Volume = 1/3 × Base Area × Height

What is the volume of a triangular pyramid?

Volume of Triangular Pyramid is found the formula, Volume = 1/3 × Aarea of Base × Height = 1/6 b.h.H cubic units

What is the volume of the square pyramid?

Volume of Square Pyramid is found the formula, Volume = 1/3 × Aarea of Base × Height = (1/3) a2H cubic units

Volume of a Pyramid Formula

Pyramid is a three-dimensional shape whose base is a polygon, and all its triangular faces join at a common point called the apex. The pyramids of Egypt are real-life examples of pyramids. Volume of a pyramid is the space occupied by that pyramid and is calculated by the formula, V = 1/3×(Area of Base)×(Height)

In this article, we have covered Pyramid definition, volume of the pyramid formula, derivation and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Pyramid?
  • Volume of a Pyramid
  • Volume of Pyramid Derivation
    • Volume of Triangular Pyramid
    • Volume of Square Pyramid
    • Volume of Rectangular Pyramid
    • Volume of Pentagonal Pyramid
    • Volume of Hexagonal Pyramid

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