Volume of a Square Pyramid

What is Volume of a Pyramid?

Space occupied by the pyramid in the three dimensional space is called the volume of a pyramid. The mathematical formula for the volume of a pyramid is given as

Volume of Pyramid =  1/3 × Area of Base × Height

What is Volume of a Square Pyramid?

Space occupied by the square pyramid in 3-D space is defined as the volume of the square pyramid. It is measured in unit3 and we use units such as m3, cm3, etc, to measure the volume of the square pyramid.

How to find Volume of a Square Pyramid?

Volume of a square pyramid is calculated using the formula,Volume of Square Pyramid = 1/3 × Area of Base × Height. It is measured in cubic units.

How to Find Height of a Square Pyramid when Volume is Given?

If the volume of the square pyramid and the area of the base of the square pyramid is given then its height can easily be calculated using the formula,

Height = 3 × (Volume of Square Pyramid) / Area of Base

How does the Volume of a Square Pyramid relate to the Volume of a Square Prism?

Volume of a square pyramid and the volume of a square prism have the relation,

Volume of a Square Pyramid = (1/3) Volume of a Square Prism

What is Volume of a Square Pyramid Formula?

Volume of the Square pyramid is calculated using the formula,

Volume of Square Pyramid = 1/3 × a2h

Volume of a Square Pyramid

Volume is nothing but the space occupied by the object in 3-D and the volume of a square pyramid is the space occupied by the five faces of the square pyramid. A square pyramid is a three-dimensional geometric formed with a square base and four triangular side faces connected such that they all meet at the apex of the square pyramid.

Volume of the square pyramid is the volume of space enclosed inside all its five faces. Now let’s learn about the square pyramid, its volume, examples, and others in this article.

Table of Content

  • What is Volume of a Square Pyramid?
    • What is a Square Pyramid?
  • Volume of a Square Pyramid Formula
  • How To Find Volume of Square Pyramid?
  • Examples on Volume of Square Pyramid

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