FAQ’s on Exclude Include Test Cases in TestNG

Where can I use the @Ignore annotation?

Ans: The @Ignore annotation is both a class and a method level annotation. If you wish to ignore an entire class, use it at the class level. If you just want to ignore a method, annotate the method with this.

Where can I use the <groups>…</groups> tag inside testng.xml?

Ans: You can you the groups tag either inside the <suite><suite> tag or the <test></test> tag only.

Can I rename the testng.xml file to anything else?

Ans: No. The testng.xml file is a unique one and if you change it to anything else other than the regular expression allowed, then it will not be detected by the test environment and you will not be able to use the file to run your test.

Can I place the testng.xml file anywhere I want?

Ans: No. You should not place the testng.xml file anywhere you want. It should only be placed at the same level as the pom.xml file in order to be detected by the test environment. Also make sure that the test classes follow the tree structure as depicted in the article.

What are Exclude and Include Test Methods in TestNG?

TestNG is a popular Java testing framework that stands for Test-Next Generation. It is an advanced form of JUnit, and offers comprehensive features, especially when it comes to integration tests. In this article, we will learn how to include and exclude test cases from executing at the Method, Class, and Suite levels.

Table of Content

  • Include Test Methods
  • Exclude Test Methods
  • Advanced Techniques for Exclude and Include
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ’s on Exclude Include Test Cases in TestNG

Include and exclude features in TestNG allow us to stop and allow tests from executing on the go. This means that if we have written a test that we do not want to execute in some situation, we can simply ignore that test case, test method, or test suite without having to delete it entirely. This way, if we ever need to run these tests again, all we need to do is simply enable them.

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In this article we covered a lot of things. We looked at how we can configure the testng.xml file to run only the tests that we want. We also look at how we can use the @Ignore annotation and the @Test(enabled=false) to produce the same results. We looked at how we can create groups and include or exclude those specific groups inside the testng.xml file. Hope you have learnt something useful from this article. If you have any queries, please feel free to discuss in the comments below....

FAQ’s on Exclude Include Test Cases in TestNG

Where can I use the @Ignore annotation?...