FAQ’s on Indian Standard Time

Question 1:What is the use of the standard Meridian?


According to Indian geography, the sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat as a result of this the people experience different sunshine hours and day duration. To avoid this time confusion a Standard time is adopted all over India.

Question 2: Differentiate between the Greenwich meridian and Indian Standard Meridian.


Greenwich Meridian Indian Standard Meridian
The plane of the excellent meridian is lined up with the neighborhood gravity vector at the Airy travel circle 51°28′40.1″N 0°0′5.3″W of the Greenwich observatory.  Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by five and half hours i.e 330 minutes.
The Greenwich Mean Time was laid out by the Royal Observatory in 1675 fully intent on helping pilots adrift.  The Indian Standard Time was adopted in India on the day India became independent of British rule on 15th August 1947.

Question 3: How is time calculated in India?


Indian Standard Time is determined from the clock tower in Mirzapur almost precisely on the reference longitude of IST at 82°30’E.

The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show the same time. How does this happen?

The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show at the same time, this happens because of the “Indian Standard Time”.

Indian Standard time is the standard time followed all over India. According to Indian geography, the sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat as a result of this the people experienced sunshine hours and day duration. But this isn’t considered in the calculation of time in India. Only one standard time is adopted throughout India and this time is Indian Standard Time.

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FAQ’s on Indian Standard Time

Question 1:What is the use of the standard Meridian?...