Features Of Microsoft Azure – Container Registry

Following are some of the key features of the Azure container registry.

  1. Private Container Image Registry: Azure Container Registry will store your Docker images in a private Docker registry and secure repository where without proper permissions no one can access the images the images are more secure than in the DockerHub.
  2. Standard Image Pushing: You can push the images to Microsoft Azure – Container Registry in a standard and the same you use to push into the DockerHub. You can store any type of image like Linux, Windows, and any other OS images easily and securely.
  3. Fully Managed service: Microsoft Azure – Container Registry is a fully managed service there is no need to worry about anything like infrastructure and security you just need to focus on building the image proficiently.
  4. High Availability Of Images: Once you pushed your Docker image to Azure – Container Registry you can be very confident that whenever you had the usage of the image you can access the image if you had proper authorization.

Moreover, you can integrate the Microsoft Azure – Container Registry with the Azure services according to your requirements like AKS services and so on.

Microsoft Azure – Container Registry For Deploying .NET Core Apps

Azure Container Registry to run a .NET Core App Azure Container Registry is a place where you can store your container images securely. Let’s deploy a container image to it and see how we can use it. To follow along, we’ll need to Visual Studio and Docker Desktop. Dockerfile is the source code for Docker image before pushing the images into the ACR you need to write the Dockerfile according to your needs in an efficient manner.

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Security of Azure Container Registry

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Use Cases Microsoft Azure – Container Registry

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FAQs On Microsoft Azure Container Registry

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