Features of Overnight Funds

Overnight Funds offer advantages as they focus on money market instruments with a one day maturity period. This ensures liquidity and minimal exposure to interest rate risks making them an excellent choice for investors who’re cautious about taking risks. These funds provide flexibility and accessibility to investors through Net Asset Value (NAV) calculations and no exit loads.

1. Short-term Duration: Overnight Funds invest in money market instruments that have a maturity period of one day. As a result they offer liquidity. Pose very little risk in terms of interest rates.

2. Risk: These funds are considered to be one of the options available, in the mutual fund market. Since they primarily invest in securities with maturities the credit risk and interest rate risk associated with them are minimal.

3. Daily Returns: The Net Asset Value (NAV) of Overnight Funds is calculated on a basis reflecting the returns earned by the fund on that day.

4. No Exit Load: Most Overnight Funds do not charge an exit load making them an appealing choice for investors who may need to withdraw their funds without facing any penalties.

5. High Liquidity: Investors can buy or sell units of Overnight Funds on any business day. This feature ensures that individuals or companies can easily access their funds whenever necessary.

Overnight Fund – Features, Suitability, Advantages & Disadvantages

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