File Structure: Understanding Paths

      path name                          root                        ext
/home/User/Desktop/file.txt    /home/User/Desktop/file              .txt
/home/User/Desktop             /home/User/Desktop                  {empty}                               file                          .py
.txt                                  .txt                         {empty}   

Here, ext stands for extension and has the extension portion of the specified path while the root is everything except ext part.
ext is empty if the specified path does not have any extension. If the specified path has a leading period (‘.’), it will be ignored.

Get filename from path without extension using Python

Getting a filename from Python using a path is a complex process. i.e, In Linux or Mac OS, use “/” as separators of the directory while Windows uses “\” for separating the directories inside the path. So to avoid these problems we will use some built-in package in Python.

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File Structure: Understanding Paths

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