Filter by specific grouped values

Method 1: Filter rows using manually giving index value

Here, we select the rows with specific grouped values in a particular column. The Age column in Dataframe is selected with a value less than 30 to filter rows.


# select the rows with specific grouped
# values in a particular column



Method 2: Filter rows using loc

Here, we select the rows with specific grouped values in a particular column. The ID and Age column in Dataframe is selected with a value less than equal to 103 and Age equal to 23 to filter rows.


# Chaining loc[] operator to filter rows
df2 = data.loc[lambda x: x['ID'] <=
               103].loc[lambda x: x['Age'] == 23]


    ID        Name  Age Country
1  102  Jack Wills   23      Uk

Method 3: Filter rows using a mask

Here, we select the rows with specific grouped values in a particular column. The Age column in Dataframe is selected with a value greater than equal to 39 to filter rows.


# Using mask and lambda function to filter
df2 = data.mask(lambda x: x['Age'] <= 39)
df2 = df2.dropna()


      ID       Name   Age Country
0  105.0  Ram Kumar  40.0   India
5  104.0   Yash Raj  56.0   India

How to Filter rows using Pandas Chaining?

In this article, we will learn how to filter rows using Pandas chaining. For this first we have to look into some previous terms which are given below :

  • Pandas DataFrame: It is a two-dimensional data structure, i.e. the data is tabularly aligned in rows and columns. The Pandas DataFrame has three main components i.e. data, rows, and columns.
  • Pandas Chaining: Method chaining, in which methods are called on an object sequentially, one after the another. It has always been a programming style that’s been possible with pandas, and over the past few releases, many methods have been introduced that allow even more chaining.

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Python # import package import pandas as pd   # define data data = pd.DataFrame(   {'ID': {0: 105, 1: 102, 2: 101, 3: 106, 4: 103, 5: 104, 6: 107},       'Name': {0: 'Ram Kumar', 1: 'Jack Wills', 2: 'Deepanshu Rustagi',           3: 'Thomas James', 4: 'Jenny Advekar', 5: 'Yash Raj',           6: 'Raman Dutt Mishra'},       'Age': {0: 40, 1: 23, 2: 20, 3: 34, 4: 18, 5: 56, 6: 35},       'Country': {0: 'India', 1: 'Uk', 2: 'India', 3: 'Australia',                4: 'Uk', 5: 'India', 6: 'India'}   })   # view data data...

Filter by specific value


Filter by specific grouped values

Method 1: Filter rows using eq...

Filter by specific character or a specific set of values
