Finding files

shutil.which() method tells the path to an executable application that would be run if the given cmd was called. This method can be used to find a file on a computer which is present on the PATH.

Syntax: shutil.which(cmd, mode = os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path = None)
cmd: A string representing the file.
mode: This parameter specifies mode by which method should execute. os.F_OK tests existence of the path and os.X_OK Checks if path can be executed or we can say mode determines if the file exists and executable.
path: This parameter specifies the path to be used, if no path is specified then the results of os.environ() are used
Return Value: This method returns the path to an executable application


# importing shutil module 
import shutil 
# file search 
cmd = 'anaconda'
# Using shutil.which() method
locate = shutil.which(cmd)
# Print result



Shutil Module in Python

Shutil module offers high-level operation on a file like a copy, create, and remote operation on the file. It comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module helps in automating the process of copying and removal of files and directories. In this article, we will learn this module.

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Finding files
