Finding P-value of an F statistic in R

R provides us pf() function using which we can determine the p-value associated with the F-Statistic. The function has the following syntax:

Syntax: pf(F_statistic, dataframe1, dataframe2, lower.tail = FALSE)


  • F_statistic: It represents the value of the f-statistic
  • dataframe1: It represents the degrees of freedom 1
  • dataframe2: It represents the degrees of freedom 2
  • lower.tail = TRUE: Returns the probability associated with the lower tail of the F distribution.
  • lower.tail = FALSE: Doesn’t return the probability associated with the lower tail of the F distribution.


Consider an example of having the following parameters:

  • fstat: 7
  • df1: 4
  • df2: 5
  • lower.tail = FALSE


pf(7, 4, 5, lower.tail = FALSE)



Hence, the p-value associated with F-statistic comes out to be equal to 0.027. F-test is also used to test the overall significance of a regression model.

How to Calculate the P-Value of an F-Statistic in R

F-test is a statistical test and it produces the F-statistic which possesses F distribution under the null hypothesis. This article focuses on how we can compute the P-value of an F-statistic in R Programming Language.

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