Five Principles of Sustainable Development

The five principles of sustainable development include the following:

  1. Conservation of ecosystem and environment.
  2. Conservation of the biodiversity of the planet
  3. Sustainable development of the society
  4. Conservation of the human resources
  5. Population control and management

Principles of Sustainable Development

Whatever can be utilized to fulfill a need or has worth can be known as an asset. Water, power, cart, vegetable, and reading material all have utility and consequently are considered assets. Every one of the assets has worth. A few assets have monetary worth, some don’t. Some might become important just throughout some stretch of time. For instance, your grandma’s home cures might not have business esteem as of now however on the off chance that they are protected and sold, they could likewise turn out to be monetarily important. In the interim, the two factors that change substances to assets incorporate time and innovation.

Principles of Sustainable Development

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