Fix SyntaxError: Invalid Decimal Literal in Python

Below are some of the solutions to fix SyntaxError: Invalid Decimal Literal in Python:

Remove Letters from Decimal Literal

Ensure that the decimal literal consists only of numeric characters and a single decimal point. Remove any letters or other non-numeric characters.


# Corrected Decimal Literal
valid_decimal = 3.14



Correct Identifier Naming

If the error is due to an identifier starting with a number, update the identifier name to comply with Python’s naming conventions.


# Corrected Identifier
variable_123 = 5.6



Check for Typos

Carefully review the code to identify and correct any typos that might be causing the error. Common mistakes include missing or misplaced decimal points.


# Corrected Decimal Literal with a Typo
corrected_decimal = 3.14



Invalid Decimal Literal in Python

Python is a versatile programming language known for its readability and simplicity. However, like any language, it has its quirks and pitfalls. One such issue that developers may encounter is the “Invalid Decimal Literal” error. This error occurs when Python encounters a decimal literal that it cannot interpret correctly. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the occurrence of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

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Fix SyntaxError: Invalid Decimal Literal in Python


