Flattening hierarchical columns using join() and rstrip()

In this example, we use the join() and rstrip() functions to flatten the columns. Usually, when we group a dataframe as hierarchical indexed columns, the columns at multilevel are stored as an array of tuples elements.

Syntax: str.join(iterable)

Explanation: Returns a concatenated string, if iterable, else returns a type error.

Syntax: str.rstrip([chars])

Explanation: Returns a string by splitting the excess trailing spaces (rightmost) to the string.


Here, we iterate through these tuples by joining the column name and index name of each tuple and storing the resulting flattened columns name in a list. Later, this stored list of flattened columns is assigned to the grouped dataframe.


# group by cars based on the sum
# and max of sales on quarter 1
# and sum and min of sales 2 and
# mention as_index is False
grouped_data = data.groupby(by="cars").agg({"sale_q1 in Cr": [sum, max],
                                            'sale_q2 in Cr': [sum, min]})
# use join() and rstrip() function to
# flatten the hierarchical columns
grouped_data.columns = ['_'.join(i).rstrip('_')
                        for i in grouped_data.columns.values]


How to flatten a hierarchical index in Pandas

How to flatten a hierarchical index in Pandas DataFrame columns?

In this article, we are going to see the flatten a hierarchical index in Pandas DataFrame columns. Hierarchical Index usually occurs as a result of groupby() aggregation functions. Flatten hierarchical index in Pandas, the aggregated function used will appear in the hierarchical index of the resulting dataframe.

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