Fluent Waits

Fluent Wait is one of the mechanisms available at Selenium WebDriver that permits testers to set the maximal time for a condition to be accomplished and the frequency of their attempts to check the condition. Unlike such waits as Implicit Wait or Explicit Wait, Fluent Wait offers more flexibility since programmers can change the wait conditions according to the complications and situations during the runtime.

  • Fluent wait is an explicit wait in Selenium that pings the web driver to wait for a circumstance and how regularly to check that scenario before returning an “ElementNotVisibleException” exception.
  • To better understand, a fluent wait is also called a smart wait because it does not “wait” out the whole predetermined time as coded.
  • Rather, the test proceeds to run as soon as the element is visible.
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

# Create driver object
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Navigate to a URL that delays loading (Replace sample URL with your URL )

    # Fluent wait for the element to be present
    # ( Replace myDynamicElement elememnt with your elememnt id )
    element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
        EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "myDynamicElement"))
    # Quit the driver
  • Fluent Wait provides a built-in timeout handler that allows you to set the maximum time to wait for a condition to be fulfilled. If the condition is not met within the specified time, Fluent Wait throws a ‘TimeoutException’, which allows you to gracefully handle timeout situations in your automation scripts.
  • Fluent Wait in Selenium WebDriver provides a flexible and robust solution for handling dynamic web elements and asynchronous behavior in test automation.
  • Fluent Wait improves the reliability and stability of automation scripts by allowing testers to set maximum wait times, polling intervals, and custom conditions.
  • Its dynamic nature and exception handling capabilities make it a valuable tool for ensuring accurate and efficient testing of web applications.

To check out how to practically implement Fluent Wait in WebDriver, checkout What is Fluent Wait in Selenium? – w3wiki

Selenium Wait Commands – Implicit, Explicit, and Fluent Wait

Selenium Python is one of the great tools for testing automation. These days most web apps are using AJAX techniques. When a page is loaded by the browser, the elements within that page may load at different time intervals. This makes locating elements difficult: if an element is not yet present in the DOM, a locate function will raise an ElementNotVisibleException exception. Using waits, we can solve this issue. Waiting provides some slack between actions performed – mostly locating an element or any other operation with the element.

Selenium WebDriver provides Three types of waits –

Table of Content

  • Implicit Waits
  • Explicit Waits
  • Fluent Waits

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Fluent Waits

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