
folliculogenesis is the process in which a recruited primordial follicle grows and develops into the grows and develops griffin follicle with the potential the ovulate its egg into the oviduct at mid-cycle to be fertilized or to die by atresia.

In women, this process long takes approximately 1 year for primordial follicle growth and development to the ovulatory stage. Folliculogenesis, growth is achieved by the cell proliferation and formation of follicular fluid, Only a few follicles in the human ovary survive and complete the cytodifferentiation process, with 99.9% dying by a programmed cell death mechanism called apoptosis.

Growth Factor Control of Folliculogenesis 

Early folliculogenesis involves the breakdown of germ cell nests into primordial follicles and the subsequent transition of follicles to the primary and secondary stages. Different transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily ligands regulate each of these developmental processes. Which hormone is primarily responsible for folliculogenesis? Follicular-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) are two major gonadotropins that promote follicle development and oocyte maturation (Williams & Erickson, 2000).

Alteration in Ovulation 

Luteinizing hormone stimulates egg release (ovulation), which usually occurs 32 to 36 hours after the surge begins. The estrogen level peaks during the surge, and the progesterone level starts to increase. During the luteal phase, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels decrease.

Alteration in the Steroid Hormones 

Steroid hormones act on the cells by passing through the cell membrane, when entering the nucleus and binding to the DNA, and gene transcription and protein production. Steroid hormones are classified into two categories that are estrogens, progestogens, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. Steroid hormones are produced by the maturing follicle. As the follicles in the ovary grow, they produce increasing amounts of oestradiol and inhibin. In turn, these hormones act on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to reduce the release of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone

Clinical Aspects

  • How many Ovarian Follicles are normal?

In normal cases there are between 8 and 15 ovarian follicles is an acceptable amount of follicles. during the egg retrieval, every follicle will not appear necessarily contain a quality egg. your doctor will aspirate the follicles with an ultrasound-guided needle.

  • Is an Ovarian Follicle the same as of Cyst?

Your ovarian cyst normally grows cyst-like a structure called a follicle each month. Follicles produce the main hormones called estrogen and progesterone. they have released in an egg when you ovulate  If a normal monthly follicle keeps growing, it’s known as a functional cyst.

  • Can an Ovarian follicle cause Pain?

Most follicular cysts don’t cause any symptoms. some times the follicular cyst becomes large or ruptures, and sometimes you feel pain in your lower abdomen. because of the pressure and bloating in your lower abdomen.

Ovarian Follicular Development

The ovary has mainly two functions. firstly, the ovary produces hormones that drive the female reproductive system. the second one is it controls the development and the selection of mature oocytes for fertilization. This process known as ovarian folliculogenesis begins while the female is in-utero. and in simple language One of the pair of female glands in which the eggs form and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are made. these hormones play an important role in female traits, such as breast development, body shape, and body hair.  

  • The Role of the ovary- The role of ovary, ovaries are in small size, oval-shaped glands locate on either side of your uterus. They produce and store your eggs (also called an ovum) and make the hormones that control your menstrual cycle and pregnancy. during ovulation time, one of your releases an egg. if sperm are also fertilized then the egg can become pregnant.
  • Importance of the ovary – Your ovary plays the main role in menstruation and Conception. They produce eggs for fertilization and they will make the hormones estrogen and progesterone. . An ovary releases an egg around the middle of your menstrual cycle (around day 14 of a 28-day cycle) in a process called ovulation.

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Ovarian Follicular Development



folliculogenesis is the process in which a recruited primordial follicle grows and develops into the grows and develops griffin follicle with the potential the ovulate its egg into the oviduct at mid-cycle to be fertilized or to die by atresia....

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FAQs on Ovarian Follicle

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