Frequently Asked Question on Producer Consumer Problem

 How do we prevent a race condition in producer-consumer code?

To avoid a race condition in producer-consumer problem, ensure that shared resources are synchronised properly.

What is a bounded buffer?

Bounded buffer is a fix size queue, that is shared between producer and consumer and this buffer has limited capacity to store data items.

Why is the producer-consumer problem relevant in operating systems?

The Producer-Consumer problem is a classic synchronisation issue in operating systems. The presence of multiple processes and limited resources in the system creates a synchronisation difficulty. If a resource is shared by multiple processes at the same time, it might lead to data inconsistency.

Producer Consumer Problem in C

Concurrency is an important topic in concurrent programming since it allows us to completely understand how the systems work. Among the several challenges faced by practitioners working with these systems, there is a major synchronization issue which is the producer-consumer problem. In this article, we will discuss this problem and look at possible solutions based on C programming.

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Frequently Asked Question on Producer Consumer Problem – FAQs

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