Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I learn to become a back-end web developer?

Ans. Here are a few things that you should learn in order to become a back-end web developer:

  • Python
  • JAVA
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • GIT
  • Communication

2. Which book is best for web development for beginners? 

Ans. These are the books that are best for web development beginners:

  • Head First Java: By Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates
  • Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++: By Bjarne Stroustrup
  • Learn Python The Hard Way: By Zed A. Shaw
  • The Joy of PHP Programming: By Alan Forbes

3. Is Back-End Web Development Hard?

Ans. Back-End development is one of the easiest programming things that you can learn and you can grab a decent job as a Beck-End developer by learning a few more languages, such as HTML and CSS. 

Best Books to Learn Back-End Web Development

Understanding the concepts of Back-End Web Development is not easy for beginners if they don’t find a good resource or a book. There’s so much to learn about the backend and so many frameworks or libraries releasing every week that it’s hard to find out where to start everything from scratch to an advanced level. Not only for beginners but also experienced people in software development sometimes look for some good resources or books to brush up on their skills. In this article, we’re compiling some of the best books to learn back end web development

Being an entry-level or experienced developer there are some books you need to keep on your shelf for reference or to start your journey in programming as a beginner. We have categorized these books on a server-side language basis for beginners and experienced both. Also, we highly recommend you scratch your brain, apply your logic in programming and run your own code for in-depth and better learning. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I learn to become a back-end web developer?...