Frequently Asked Questions on Characteristics of Computer Networks

What are the four important network characteristics?

Four important network characteristics are:

  •  Fault Tolerance
  • Scalability
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Security

What are the basic types of computer network?

There are five main type of computer network:

  • LAN (Local Area Network)
  • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
  • WAN (Wide Area Network)
  • PAN (Personal Area Network)
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network)

What are the main characteristics of a network operating system?

Characteristics of network operating systems are

  • Processor support
  • Hardware detection and multiprocessing
  • Printer and Devices sharing
  • File sharing and database sharing
  • Network security capabilities
  • Directory services
  • Backup and web services
  • Internetworking.

Basic Characteristics of Computer Networks

Computer networks allow multiple devices to connect and share resources like files, printers, and internet access. Key characteristics include the network’s size (like local or wide area), the way data is transferred (wired or wireless), and the network’s layout (such as star or mesh). These features help determine how well the network performs and meets the needs of its users.

Computer networks are a system of interconnected computers and other devices that allow for the sharing of information and resources. They can range in size from a few connected devices in a small office to millions of devices spread out across the globe. In this article, we are going to discuss some basic characteristics of Computer Networks.

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Basic Characteristics of Computer Network

characteristics of Computer Networks...

1. Security

Security is one of the most important characteristics of a computer network. Most businesses nowadays depend on computers, which are accessed by using network. If computer network technology is not secure, then any one can able to access companies data and this in not good for any company, because those who unautharize data can missuse of the data . However, nowadays, computer networking tools primarily provide the highest level of security and prevent any unauthorized access....

2. Reliability

Computer networks must be reliable to ensure that data and resources are always available when needed. Redundancy and backup systems can help to ensure that the network remains operational in the event of a failure....

3. Scalability

Scalability means a network can grow and handle more users or devices without losing performance. The internet is a great example of this: even as millions of new users connect and communicate with other devices, the network continues to work well....

4. Flow of Data

Computer networks let users access and share data like files and documents between devices. This feature is essential because it enables data to move smoothly from one device to another....

5. High Performance

Performance is measured by how quickly a command is executed. If data transfers fast and responses are quick, it benefits users by making data sharing and resource usage more efficient. Using multiple processors can further enhance performance....

6. Fault Tolerance

Fault tolerance is a valuable feature of computer networks. For example, if two devices are connected by both wired and wireless means, and the wireless connection fails, the data can still be sent through the wired connection. This ensures that communication continues smoothly even if part of the network is down or damaged....

7. Quality of Service (QoS)

It means people can choose what data gets sent first and how it’s sent, making sure it goes fast. If some data doesn’t make it through, the system can handle that too. This makes sure users get a good experience when using the network....

8. Compatible With Hardware and Software Components

Another important characteristics of computer network is that it lets lots of devices use the same software. This means you can use the same program on different hardware. This makes things work better together and makes software easier to use. Plus, it helps make the most out of the stuff you have....

Other Characteristics of Computer Network



In this article we discussed about characteristics of computer network so there are eight important characteristics of computer network these are reliability, Security, Scalability, Fault tolerance, High performance, Quality Of Services, Flow of data, and compatile with hardware and software....

Frequently Asked Questions on Characteristics of Computer Networks – FAQs

What are the four important network characteristics?...