Frequently Asked Questions on Cryptography in IoT

What is Cryptography and why is it important?

Cryptography is a technique that is used to secure the data or the information. The prefix “crypt” means “hidden” and the suffix “graphy” means “writing”. A real-life example of cryptography is WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption which ensure that the message you send and receive should not be scrambled and readable only to you. It is important because it secure communication channels between two or more devices.

What is IoT?

IoT stands for Internet of Things. It refers to an ecosystem of physical objects with built-in sensors that can gather information from the environment. IoT aims to increase human interconnectedness by allowing individuals to interact with things.

Cryptography is further classified as?

Symmetric Encryption: Single key used for both encryption and decryption. The sender use the secret or the private key to encrypt the message during encryption (plain text to cipher text) and that same is to be used by receiver. AWS and DES are some of the example.

Hash Function: Another method of cryptography that converges numerical data to another compressed numerical value. This function emphasizes gradually increase in levels of complexity and difficulty. Bitcoin, which is the largest cryptocurrency uses a hash function to verify the transaction and secure network.

Asymmetric Encryption: Two different keys (a public key and a private key) are used to encrypt and decrypt the data. The senders use the public key to encrypt the message and it is distributable among other also. The receiver with the paired private key is the authorized person to decrypt the message. Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) encryption is a well-known example.

Cryptography in IoT (Internet of Things)

Cryptography plays a vital role in securing information and data through the use of codes that transform the data into an unreadable format without a proper key thus preventing unauthorized access. In simple words, we can say that organizations use cryptography to secure communication channels.

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Role of Cryptography for Security

With each new IoT device added to the network for data gathering the potential attack for unauthorized access exponentially increases, and which possess a security challenge. Deploying also increases hacking risks because data exists in different Locations. To minimize those risk is where cryptography plays an important factor....

Advantages of Cryptography in IoT

Security: Cryptography ensures security by encrypting the data and this make it unreadable to unauthorized person. Layer of protection on data is been added. We can think of it as an financial transaction that is need to be secure and safe. Integration of data: To ensure that data reaches to right person and that too without any changes is critical concern in IoT. Cryptography plays a vital role in addressing this challenge as it arrive wuth techniques such as digital signature and message authentication codes to prevent data integration during transmission. Authentication of the user: Proper user or device authentication is important in IoT to prevent unauthorized access and safeguard sensitive data. Malicious attacks can exploit and steal information. This is evident in smart home system where authentication ensures only to authorized individuals like homeowner, as he/she can unlock the door using fingerprints or password scanners....

Limitations of Cryptography in IoT

Encrypted key loss: One challenge with encryption lies in managing the encryption keys. Losing a private key can render the corresponding data inaccessible even to owner also. This highlights the importance to secure key by preventing it from permanent data loss. Complexity: Securing and restoring encrypted data in IoT environments presents a significant challenge due to the complexity of the process as we use symmetrical key encryption and with this the chances of attack are higher.Alternative to this is using asymmetrical encryption where data can be prevented but complexity increases. Maintenance: It requires high expenses to upgrade and maintain the system....

Frequently Asked Questions on Cryptography in IoT – FAQs

What is Cryptography and why is it important?...