Frequently Asked Questions on Database Languages in DBMS

What is Database?

Database is collection of data which is stored electronically in our System or Cloud.

What are types Database languages in JDBC?

Data Definition Language, Data Control Language, Data Manipulation Language, Transaction Control Language.

What is Transaction Control Language in JDBC?

Transaction Control Language is one of the language in JDBC. Which is used for controlling and managing the transactions in database.

What is use of commit command in TCL?

The commit command is used for save transaction in the database.

Database Languages in DBMS

Databases are used to store information. The Database is related to both software and hardware here The Software is used for accessing the data in the form of Software applications, and The Hardware is used for storing the data in the memory or hard disk.

Any Database provides an interface between the end user and the database by using this interface, the end user can access the database data. It is a very secure means before accessing database data we need to authenticate first, and then we get access to the database. We have different types of Database Languages which are represented in the below image.


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DCL (Data Control Language)

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Frequently Asked Questions on Database Languages in DBMS – FAQs

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