Frequently Asked Questions on Fifth Normal Form

Which dependency is related to 5NF?

Join dependecy is checked in the 5NF. Relation should satisfy the condition of join dependency then only it will be in the fifth normal form.

What is 5NF also called?

5NF is also known as Project Join Normal Form (PJNF).

Is 5NF is used?

As 5NF increases the complexity of the databse, it is less frequently used in the indusrty. Complexity is the reason for less use of 5NF.

What is Fifth Normal Form (5NF) in DBMS?

Normalization is a process that involves removing or decreasing the redundancy present in the database. Normalization mainly focuses on removing duplicate data from the database and making it more consistent.

There are various types of normalization such as 1NF,2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, and 5NF. 5NF is one of the highest levels of normalization form present in database normalization.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Fifth Normal Form – FAQs

Which dependency is related to 5NF?...