Frequently Asked Questions on WAN Optimization and WAN Acceleration

Why WAN optimization is required?

WAN optimization enhances backup and data replication. It ensures that data is securely transported and stored at remote places.

How does WAN increase efficiency?

WAN optimization enhances the performance of the application by overcoming network latency. Techniques like protocol optimization and application acceleration provide data packets to move across the network more efficiently.

What is the main purpose of a WAN?

A wide-area network connects your offices, data centers, cloud applications, and cloud storage.

What does WAN acceleration do?

WAN acceleration increases the data speed and data reliability over a network, resulting in faster access to applications and services.

How can you improve WAN performance?

Compression minimizes the size of data packets before sending them, caching stores frequently accessed data locally or on a close server, deduplication removes redundant data packets before sending them over the WAN, and protocol optimization modifies or replaces the protocols used for WAN communication.

WAN Optimization vs WAN Acceleration

WAN optimization is a process to increase the efficiency of data and backup processes, and application performance, and ensure important information is delivered and stored securely in remote locations. Organizations can save money by reducing the data quantity sent over the WAN. WAN acceleration is accomplished by using several strategies, including caching, compression, and data duplication. When bandwidth demand initially began to outpace available bandwidth in the early days of enterprise-wide area networking, WAN optimization technologies were developed. WAN Optimization can significantly increase productivity levels by reducing response time for interactive applications and speeding up large data transfers between your headquarters, branches, and data storage and/or disaster recovery sites, thereby increasing data transfer speed between sites.

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What is WAN Optimization?

WAN optimization is a widely use process to increase data transmission efficiency via a wide area network that connects data centers and remote sites. WAN acceleration lowers data redundancy by utilizing deduplication, compression, and latency-optimizing protocols. WAN optimization prioritizes network traffic, allowing vital applications to function better regardless of distance or network quality. Geographically distributed enterprises with global locations may have poor application performance, particularly for essential, latency-sensitive TCP/IP applications like transaction processing or data backup due to significant round-trip delays. WAN optimization uses caching to significantly reduce loads and access times. When a branch employee first accesses the bulletin, WAN Optimization saves a copy in the local cache. The following time a request for the same information is made, it answers as best it can from the local cache, minimizing WAN traffic and server load....

How Does WAN Optimization Work?

WAN optimization works to overcome latency, increase network, and minimize packet loss, and throughput and accomplishes this via an array of complementary WAN optimization techniques. Window scaling increases the sending window, enabling more data to be transferred before an acknowledgment is received. By tackling difficulties such as network latency, capacity restrictions, and packet loss, WAN optimization improves network performance, especially in contexts where data must travel great distances. These techniques rely on TCP acceleration, data compression, deduplication, and forward error correction....

What is WAN Acceleration?

A WAN accelerator is a network product that offers WAN caching and optimization services. It is a sort of network-based hardware, software, or a mix of the two, and it offers a variety of services to improve and speed up the end-user experience. These techniques rely on TCP acceleration, data compression, deduplication, and forward error correction. It minimizes the effects of network delay, packet loss, and congestion. Make full use of expensive, high-speed WAN connections. Allocation policies enable you to control and manage the bandwidth. It is important to remember that increasing bandwidth alone is not a viable option because network delay is mostly driven by the geographical distance between locations. To address such difficulties, businesses implement WAN optimization solutions. Caching reduces the time required to access data. For example, if a huge firm with operations in hundreds of locations sends out an all-employee notice, the WAN will see substantial traffic. As each employee attempts to access the same information, the system is put under a great deal of strain....

How Does WAN Acceleration Work?

Different WAN acceleration methods provide such as network latency, congestion, duplicate data transfers, and protocol chattiness, which can be especially important for organizations with networks across multiple geographies or legacy applications built for use over local-area networks (LANs). WAN acceleration can improve user experiences by optimizing bandwidth, bringing information closer to clients, and providing quicker access to resources like collaboration platforms, CRM databases, portals, and apps. Lost packets during transmission are automatically rebuilt by regularly transmitting parity packets over the network, allowing the receiver to repair errors without asking for retransmission, ensuring data integrity, and mitigating the impact of packet loss. The end consequence is speedier data retrieval and application performance....

Most Commonly Used Techniques in WAN Optimization and WAN Acceleration

Data caching: Data caching involves saving data in local caches to ensure efficient and low-latency access. Protocol spoofing: Protocol spoofing is the process of combining several requests from chaotic programs into a single one. This method can also involve streamlining protocols like CIFS (Common Internet File System). Data compression: Data compression is the use of several techniques to efficiently represent and minimize the amount of data. Protocol acceleration: It reduces the impact noisy apps have on the WAN. Data deduplication: It prevents “chatty” or superfluous redundant data from crossing the WAN....

Difference between WAN Optimization and WAN Acceleration



In this article, we have learned about WAN optimization and WAN acceleration. WAN optimization solves the underlying issues and provides more complete performance improvement and WAN acceleration reduces the amount of data with low bandwidth and high latency....

Frequently Asked Questions on WAN Optimization and WAN Acceleration – FAQs

Why WAN optimization is required?...